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Over the river and through the woods...

Here in the North Country, we know winter. She’s the pesky old friend that shows up just when we are at the end of the rope to hit us in the face with a snowball or her bitter cold attitude - let's face it, we wouldn't even still be friends if we hadn't known her for so long. But here we are, welcoming her back into our community, weather (get it...) we like it or not. One minute she’s a beauty; the sun’s rays glistening off her snowy landscape. The next she’s a frigid b…well you know what. The problem with dealing with the ice queen is that we still have to function even though all we want to do is stay in our cozy homes giving her the silent treatment. This means having to travel in unpleasant conditions like snow, sleet, rain, ice and wind. Lucky for us, we have CCHD Emergency Preparedness Coordinator Mark Lafountain to help us navigate through our love/hate relationship with winter.

Mark, why do we keep doing this to ourselves?

Some folks see winter as just another season where cold weather must be tolerated, snow must be moved, slippery roads must be driven on, and home heating/winterization must be done. Other folks see winter as that time of the year where it is magical. The beauty of a new fallen snow, the crisp air, the hot chocolate, the fire in the fireplace (that fireplace glow). They love winter sports, building a snowman, riding their snowmobiles, snowshoeing, etc. Love it or hate it, this season can be enjoyable when you are properly prepared.

I try to follow along with all the local weather alerts and warnings, but there are so many of them I have a hard time keeping up. What do I really need to know about them?

No matter what the weather alert is for, you need to know that it is based on local criteria. An inch of snow that is forecasted to fall in northern New York may be considered an “Advisory” while the same amount forecasted in the southern states may be considered a “Winter Storm Warning”. Weather alerts in the North Country will depend on how much the event will impact our safety.

“Advisories” mean that you need to be aware that there is going to be some sort of weather, but is not going to be hazardous enough to meet the local “Warning” criteria.

“Watches” mean that conditions are favorable for an event to occur that could affect your day-to-day life. It’s not guaranteed, but there is a good chance.

“Warnings” mean that there will be a significant event occurring and you should be ready for it. It is as close to a guarantee as can be expected.

When you say prepare for bad weather, what does that mean? Are we talking pick up a few extra frozen pizzas and pick a good show to binge or batten down the hatches?

It depends on what the event is. Different weather events require different precautions. The alerts span different varieties of weather like wind, snow, rain, tornados, hurricanes, heat, cold, etc. Each one of these weather types will need a different type of preparation.

For the most part (unless an evacuation is required)…you should plan as if you will not be able to leave the house for a few days. This means making sure you have enough water, food, warm clothing, safety items, medications, etc. for everyone in your family on hand for the “what ifs”. 

And what if I get stuck at home with no power, even for a short time?

If there is a chance this could happen, charge cellphones and extra power banks to recharge those electronics. Be sure to have battery-powered lighting, flashlights, extra batteries, food/snacks (that do not need to be cooked), water, entertainment (board games/books), blankets, etc.

I know I should try to stay at home as much as possible, (and I LOVE that for me) but what if I have to drive somewhere, like work or to the store?

We are just now coming out of the Holiday Season, but the winter weather won’t stop for another few months. Until then, if you must travel, make sure you have an Emergency Car Kit with at least:

  • Jumper cables
  • Flares or reflective triangle
  • Ice scraper
  • Car cell phone charger
  • Blanket
  • Map (or mapping tool)
  • Cat litter or sand for better tire traction

Make sure you tell someone where you are going and when you expect to arrive, just in case something happens. Take your time and don’t crowd other vehicles on the road (especially snow plows). When it becomes hard to control the car, pull over, set the parking brake, and turn on your hazard lights. If you come upon a flooded area, don’t drive through it!

If something does happen where you need to stay on the side of the road, stay with your car. Make your car visible with hazard lights and bright markers on the antenna or windows and keep the interior dome light on (especially when it’s hard to see). Make sure the exhaust pipe is clear of any snow and only run the car sporadically – just enough to keep warm. Don’t run the car for long periods of time with the windows up or in an enclosed space to avoid exposing yourself to harmful Carbon Monoxide.

Top 3 things to remember.

  1. Stay aware of the weather forecast.
  2. Be prepared for different scenarios.
  3. Create an emergency kit for your car and home.


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