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Tick, Tack, No!

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you have probably heard that the North Country is Tick Country. Actually, you could probably throw a rock at most parks and trails in our area and hit a tick. The ‘ticky’ (see what I did there) part of housing so many tiny visitors in our community is that many come with disease that can make you really sick. In fact, the number of reported tick-related illnesses in Clinton County has more than tripled in the past five years. So what can we do to protect ourselves? This month we are ‘ticking’ (oops, I did it again) the brain of Dr. Lee Ann Sporn, a professor at Paul Smith’s College. Her research focuses on monitoring and surveillance for ticks and the diseases they carry in the North Country.

Dr. Sporn, it seems like we hear more about ticks than we did when I was growing up. Is that because there are more of them or we are just talking about them more?

It used to be said that “there are no ticks, poison ivy or rattlesnakes in the Adirondack Region”, but this is no longer true! Over the past decade, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of blacklegged ticks (also known as deer ticks) in the North Country, mainly as a result of climate change. Ticks are moving northward from areas such as the Lower Hudson Valley and Capitol Region. Due to climate change, our region is becoming warmer and wetter and this allows ticks to thrive. 

Where do we usually find ticks in our areas? And what kinds of ticks should we be on the lookout for?

Blacklegged or deer ticks (Ixodes scapularis) are the species of ticks in this area that humans and their pets will most likely encounter. They also carry several diseases that affect us and our pets. There is a risk of blacklegged tick encounter throughout the North Country, but you typically will find the highest densities of ticks at lower elevations where humidity is higher and winter temperatures are more moderate. Because ticks feed on deer and small mammals, areas with lots of deer and good small mammal habitat often have high tick densities. Small mammals like rodents, squirrel and chipmunks like to live in places where there are piled sticks and logs.

Is there anything we can do to reduce or eliminate the chance of having a tick encounter?

It is important to be aware of the times of year when ticks are out looking to feed on an animal. In spring (from May until mid-July), the immature ticks (called nymphs) are out. They are small (the size of poppy seeds), and are found in the understory or grassy areas. It is during this time of year that most people acquire a tick borne disease, so be especially on the alert. Adult ticks can be out during every month of the year, even in January if the temperature is above 40 degrees, but you will see the most adult ticks in mid to late October until the snow flies.

Before an outing where you might come in contact with foliage, it is a good idea to wear light colored clothing, and tuck pant legs into light colored socks. It may look goofy, but it keeps small ticks off of your skin and allows you to see them crawling on you before they get the chance to attach. They move upward on your body quickly, so inspecting your clothing and skin often during an outing is a good idea. Using insect repellants is a good idea, as well. After any outing where you may have encountered a tick, it is recommended that you shower, inspect your skin carefully, including the groin area, behind your ears, armpits, belly button, and behind the knees, as these are areas where ticks may go unnoticed. Wash and dry your hair (ticks hate hot, dry air), and put clothing in a hot dryer before wearing it again. Also check pets for ticks frequently, as they can transport ticks into your home or car. Talk to your veterinarian about tick repellants for your pets. In your yard, keep your lawn area mowed closely, keep leaves raked, and eliminate habitat for small mammals. 

I’ve been trying to teach my nephew not to be afraid of bugs – in an effort to reduce the number of meltdowns we say, “Hi bug, welcome to our home” – but in this case it might be a good thing for him to be scared of. What should we teach children about ticks to help keep them safe.

Learning about tick behavior can make protecting kids from tick borne diseases fun. Teach kids about the times of year when a tick encounter is most likely, what good tick habitat is, and how to spot them on clothing. Encourage kids to wear light colored clothing, and teach them to do tick checks frequently while they are outdoors playing is a great idea.  Daily bathing or showering is a must after outings, especially during times of the year when a tick encounter is most likely.

What should I do if I am bitten by a tick?

If you are bitten by a tick, remove the tick as soon as possible by grabbing it near the mouth parts with tweezers. Don’t squeeze its body, or irritate it. Make a note of the day and time you found the tick, and save the tick if possible (store in a plastic bag in the freezer or place in alcohol) in case your health care provider wishes to have it tested. While the chance of acquiring a tickborne disease from a tick bite is small, it is a good idea to contact a health care provider for advice. There is risk of several tickborne diseases in the North Country (and throughout the state), including Lyme Disease, anaplasmosis, babesiosis and Powassan Virus. Your health care provider may choose to give you an antibiotic to prevent disease, or to monitor you for symptoms.  

Top 3 things to remember:

  1. There is a risk of encountering ticks and the diseases they carry throughout the North Country.
  2. The areas of highest risk are the lowest elevations with lots of deer and small mammal habitat.
  3. Understanding tick behavior, doing tick checks and using repellants are great ways to reduce risk.


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