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Showing posts from July, 2024

Better than any 'udder' milk

When preparing for a new family addition, everyone seems to have a different opinion on what style, technique or product is best . But what most can agree on is any amount of chest/breastfeeding (no matter how much) is beneficial. Mother nature has gifted us the perfect food for our babies. Chest/breastmilk contains just the right amount of nutrients. It is also gentle on your baby's developing stomach, intestines, and other body systems. But is chest/breastfeeding just another ‘motherly instinct’ my body is going to know how to do post-partum? That’s where Mallory comes in. She has worked with chest/breastfeeding moms for more than six years, is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC), and holds the distinguished role of chest/breastfeeding mom. To help celebrate World Breastfeeding Week, we sat down with Mallory to help new parents navigate chest/breastfeeding and see why it is better than any ‘udder’ milk. Mallory, how soon after welcoming a new baby ca

Growing Pains

Being a new parent is an exciting and scary time. Somehow, they allowed you to leave the hospital with this baby and you aren’t sure you are ready to be alone with it. Goal #1 – keep baby alive. To do that, there are so many things to know and do; it’s easy to get overwhelmed. As your baby grows, it is important they meet certain developmental milestones – but what are they exactly and how do you know if they are meeting them? Many new parents assume “someone will tell me if there is a concern” but you know your baby best, trust your gut. When Clinton County children aren’t able to meet their developmental milestones they can be referred to the Early Intervention Program or the Preschool Special Education Program . They provide services that assist in the growth and development of eligible children and their families. To help navigate all things development and how to best help your child meet their milestones, we have enlisted the help of Alexis Grennan. Alexis is a Children’s Servi